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新聞 News更新/演講日期:2020-09-16
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檸檬南方招潮,全球第107種的招潮蟹! 與法國 Dr. Joseph Poupin 合作,雖然拖延了7-8年,但也累積足夠的資料,再歷經14個月、兩個期刊的審查校稿,這種產於南太平洋島嶼的招潮蟹終於發表了! 其鮮黃的顏色,像是成熟的檸檬,因此命名為檸檬南方招潮 (Lemon fiddler crab) Austruca citrus! 此新種以往被認為是糾結南方招潮 Austruca perplexa, 但有足夠的形態、分子、地理分布、行為等差異,兩種互為姊妹種。(http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/59/59-26.pdf)

Lemon fiddler crab (Austruca citrus), the 107th species of fiddler crabs! This new species of fiddler crab from the South Pacific islands has been published, collaborated with Dr. Joseph Poupin, after a delay of 7-8 years with enough data accumulated and the reviews by 2 journals with 14 months! Because its bright yellow coloration, like a ripe lemon, we used the name "citrus" (lemon) as the specific name. Previously it was identified as Austruca perplexa, but the morphological and molecular evidence, as well as the different biogeographic distributions and behaviors, support it is new to science. The above two are sister species. (